Learning Approach for Enhancing Students' Creativity


  • Nilna Inayatan Nafiah Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Alia Damayanti Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Amalia Novita Putri Winarno Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Diana Resti Akmalia Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Febriana Nurdaningrum Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Firzanah Arifatul Azizah Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Illona Juditha Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Ines Sandika Widya Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Mutia Nur Afnia Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author
  • Rizky Martiningrum Department of Chemistry, State University of Malang Author




creativity, project-based learning, mind mapping, inquiry, critical thinking


Creativity is an ability that students must have to face the challenges of the 21st century. In education, creativity is needed to help students understand abstract concepts, solve problems and create innovative ideas. This article aims to identify various effective learning approach strategies to stimulate students' creativity and create an inspiring and productive learning atmosphere. The Search, Appraisal, Synthesis and Analysis (SALSA) approach is used. The results show that several methods, such as mind mapping, Project-Based Learning (PjBL), critical thinking, and guided inquiry, positively impact student creativity. PjBL was considered the most effective of all the methods studied due to its holistic and contextual approach, providing meaningful and in-depth learning experiences. This study recommends the implementation of PjBL, supported by other strategies such as mind mapping, to create innovative learning relevant to students' needs.


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How to Cite

Nafiah, N. I., Damayanti, A., Winarno, A. N. P. ., Akmalia, D. R., Nurdaningrum, F., Azizah, F. A., Juditha, I., Widya, I. S., Afnia, M. N., & Martiningrum, R. (2025). Learning Approach for Enhancing Students’ Creativity. STEM Education International, 1(1), 29-35. https://doi.org/10.71289/wrycf010